The UK will spend billions removing oil and gas assets over the next decade, and billions more installing offshore windfarms – so why doesn’t it have a heavy lift business to capitalise on it? That’s a question that TAQA decommissioning director David Wilson brought up this month, who said there’s a “really strong business case” for a UK firm to invest in …

Well decommissioning services company Well-Safe Solutions have appointed Ruth Thomas as Subsurface Team Lead, with the company broadening its range of subsurface well plug and abandonment (P&A) design services in response to increased client demand. Ruth has over two decades of experience in providing subsurface support to assets in the UK sector of the North Sea for energy majors including …

ASCO has secured four new contracts for NORM decontamination and disposal services with major operators, worth more than £10million. NORM Solutions, part of ASCO’s environmental service division has won multi-year contracts with four leading operators to provide safe management and decontamination of naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) on North Sea installations as they are decommissioned. NORM Solutions will handle the …

There’s a big difference between being trained and being competent writes Andy Watson, Operations Manager (Aberdeen), MRS Training & Rescue. ______________ Here in the UK, we are often seen as a go-to source of health and safety knowledge for other countries at the dawn of their industrial revolutions – and there is an incredibly good, hard-won reason for that. Not to …

The UK is facing opposition from several European nations for its support of Fairfield Energy’s plan to leave the huge legs of the Dunlin oilfield in the North Sea. A special consultative meeting of Ospar, a pan-European body to protect the marine environment, is to be held after opposition was raised by parties including Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and the EU, Energy Voice …

The UK’s decommissioning regulator has approved Hurricane Energy’s plans for the removal of the FPSO serving its Lancaster field, though recent company forecasts suggest production may continue into 2024. Hurricane (LON:HUR) submitted a decommissioning plan to the UK’s Offshore Petroleum Regulator for Environment and Decommissioning (OPRED) in March, which covered the disconnection of the Aoka Mizu floating production, storage and offload …