
The current UKCS decommissioning cost estimate and 35% reduction target concludes at the end of 2022 and the final outcome will be reported in the NSTA’s 2023 cost report.

Development of a new joint industry decommissioning cost estimate/target, to take effect from 1st January 2023, has now commenced. To help shape the development of that estimate, a short questionnaire targeted at decommissioning supply chain organisations has been compiled to raise awareness of this work and gather supply chain input to the cost target development.

The questionnaire is voluntary and responses will be used by NSTA for the purpose of aiding the development of the new cost estimate processes. Information provided will be held confidentially by the NSTA (to the extent permissible by law) and responses will be anonymised and aggregated to create a picture of current decommissioning cost estimating practices, identify any particular trends or patterns and influence the development of new estimating processes and corresponding targets.

NSTA – Decommissioning Cost Reduction Target Survey (SC)

We appreciate your time in completing this questionnaire which should take no longer than 20 minutes to complete. The questionnaire will close on Friday 1st July 2022.

Should you wish to discuss or provide further input into the development of the estimate/target please contact the NSTA Decommissioning Team (decom.team@nstauthority.co.uk)