AISUS (Valor Energy Group)

AISUS (Valor Energy Group)

AISUS specialise in remote offshore inspection solutions, pioneering new technologies designed to solve and improve on key industry challenges. Innovation is at our core, with a focus on safe, cost-effective and time efficient services that support a variety of inspection requirements.

We have secured a strong reputation for operational excellence and a track record for safe, high quality and successful project delivery, including advanced and visual inspection, laser scanning, digital x-ray and bespoke solutions across the energy industry.

As offshore decommissioning continues to gather pace, asset integrity solutions remain critical. Understanding the condition of offshore assets prior to decommissioning allows for efficient planning and cost-effective execution. By identifying any integrity issues beforehand, operators can determine the appropriate decommissioning methods, estimate the required resources, and mitigate potential complications that may arise during the process. Our team of experts work directly with our clients to design and engineer a solution that delivers clear and measurable results to understand the condition of structural components.

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