Decom Week 2024 will examine the detail of decommissioning in the energy sector. With increasing demand signals across services, technology and people, what will enable safer and more effective decommissioning through the Energy Transition?
Our agenda will include Decom Mission’s first Annual Report, a dedicated session on well abandonment, indoor and outdoor exhibition space and two days of conference.
And, as we bring the decom community together, we will enable quality networking across diverse activities; golf, cycling and several social events, including our popular annual Decom Mission awards dinner.
Wells Decommissioning Forum: Effective Well Abandonment Workshop
This workshop is kindly supported by the Wells Decommissioning Forum Partner
Hosted by the North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA)
Ballroom, Ardoe House Hotel
1130 Registration
1145 Buffet Lunch
1215 Welcome
Sam Long, CEO, Decom Mission
Workshop Introduction
Chair: Suzie Coull, Senior Wells Decommissioning Engineer, NSTA
Well P&A ‘Planning & Action’ – What’s Next for the UKCS?
Alastair Bisset, Head of Decommissioning, NSTA
Alasdair Thomas, Decommissioning Manager, NSTA
Group Discussion
Led by Suzie Coull, NSTA
Feedback and Panel Session
Alastair Bisset, Head of Decommissioning, NSTA
Alasdair Thomas, Decommissioning Manager, NSTA
1400 Comfort Break
1415 Industry Presentations
Chair: Tom Hall, Senior Account Manager, Halliburton
Plugging the Wells – The Brutal Reality
Sandy Fettes, Hogarth Energy
Solving a 50-Year-Old P&A Challenge
Darren Stuart, Senior Drlling Engineer, Exceed
Wellhead Severance: A Well-by-Well Approach
Blair McConachie, Lead Project Engineer, DeepOcean
Well P&A – A Project Managers View
Will Black, Decommissioning Project Manager, EnQuest
Phase 3 – Vessel Based Well Abandonment
Neil Watson, Subsea Well Abandonment Product Leader, Claxton Engineering
Chair: Tom Hall, Halliburton
Sandy Fettes, Hogarth Energy
Darren Stuart, Exceed
Blair McConachie, DeepOcean
Will Black, EnQuest
Neil Watson, Claxton Engineering
1555 Close
Sam Long, Decom Mission
The Decom Mission Awards 2024
The Decom Mission Awards 2024 are kindly supported by Welcome Reception Sponsor, Corecut, as well as award sponsors Utility ROV, North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA), and Zero Waste Scotland.
A celebration of decommissioning success. Read more about the awards finalists here.
Ballroom, Ardoe House Hotel
Cutting Techniques for Decommissioning Projects
Ogston Suite, Ardoe House Hotel
Ballroom, Ardoe House Hotel
Ballroom, Ardoe House Hotel
Elliot Suite, Ardoe House Hotel
Kildrummy Suite, Ardoe House Hotel
Delegate Social Evening
Marine Hotel, Stonehaven
1800 Bus departs Ardoe House Hotel
1830 Dinner at Marine Hotel, Stonehaven
2100 Bus returns to Ardoe House Hotel
10.00 Cycling on Deeside
Intermediate and advanced routes